At the gates the guardians have set up cockroaches and
Leeches to protect the shrines from stray iconoclasts
The tax-collectors ominously wink at each other
Weighing the genuineness of your travellers cheques
The secretaries titillate freely about their bastards
Watching your first syllables. The Gods have deserted
These noble shrines. A new religion is born. And when
The sacrificial hour arrives, the custodians first
Surrender to the deception of demijohns, then gyrating
To rhythms of mystic drums , they shovel their satchels
Of neurosis onto the sacred rocks and bow. They seek no
Advice how to bring back willing dear old Gods; so the rains
Won't come; the rueful lanbs refuse to bleet at the altars
And in the grottos, benumbed virgins put out the candles.
Jack Mapanje
Of Chameleons and Gods
(c) 1991